Past Life Regressions in Atlanta |
Call Karen Branch - 404-931-6356 |
Unlock the Mysteries of the Past Within Your Subconscious Mind |
Within the memory banks of your subconscious mind, there is a memory of everything that has ever happened to this lifetime and in any of your past lives. In hypnosis, you can more easily tap into these memories and bring them to the surface for your benefit. Whether you are seeking greater understanding and guidance about issues in your current life or just curious about your past lives, regression can allow you to access information from other places and other times.
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During your regression, you are gently led back in time to a lifetime or lifetimes that would be of most benefit for you to examine at this time. You are an active participant in the experience; most people are easily able to allow the images and impressions to begin to come to the surface. Once the past life recall begins, it is as if you grab a thread from an ancient memory and more and more is revealed to you.
We begin your session with a brief overview of your astrological chart. It contains a great deal of information about past life patterns that still may be present in your current lifetime. We all come back with lessons to learn, skills and talents to express. We discuss your intentions...what you are seeking to find and wanting to understand during the regression. Then, we move into the regression itself, which typically is between 45 mintues to an hour. The session is recorded for you so that you may review it at a later time. The fee for the 2-hour session is $195.
Karen Branch |
| Karen Branch is both a certified clinical hypnotherapist, as well as a licensed professional astrologer. She has studied with Brian Weiss and Dick Sutphen, both known for their expertise in past lives. For the past 30 years, she has been helping her clients gain awareness of their past lives, both through the lens of their astrological chart and through past life regression. Her unique combination adds depth and meaning to the experience of past life recall. Please give her a call at 404-931-6356 and she will be happy to talk with you personally and answer any questions you may have.
For more information on Karen's astrological services, please browse this website. If you are interested in other hypnosis services, please visit Karen at